
Who are we?

Let me start out by introducing myself. I go by Chris. Two of my co-workers and I have seen some pretty crazy things and have pulled some awesome stunts at work, and we’d like to share those experiences with you. We work at a movie theater in a resort area, so mostly we just get crazy tourists coming in who complain about high prices. Then there are the regulars, the ones who we know exactly what they’re going to order before they can even open their mouth to tell us.

From time to time, one of us will be posting stories on here. Occasionally there will be a movie review, or we might post a movie discussion if all three of us have something to say about one. We’re still trying to work out the kinks of how exactly we’re going to do this, so bear with us. But, by the time anyone finds this, we’ll probably be pretty far along and might know what we’re doing by then.

Oh yeah. My co-workers. They have names too! Like I said, I’m Chris. The other two that you’ll encounter on here starting out are Eyi and Jay. From time to time other co-workers will be invited to join us, either for just one segment or to join us for good as TMT correspondents.

Until next time,